Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della provincia di Monza e Brianza.
Webinar, November 28th 2020
The adaptive project is the guiding thread of the lecture by Filippo Pagliani, invited by the Order of Architects in Monza to introduce the most recent projects of Park Associati. Natural adaptivity is reflected in architectures, not just spontaneous or traditional ones. Even the contemporary integrated project has to deal with the architectural density and stratification on the territory, especially the urban one, to find its own life in time and space.
Michele Rossi is a lecturer in the international workshop on tertiary districts and workplaces development, organized by the Politecnico di Milano.
The Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) of the Politecnico di Milano invites architects and experts to reflect on the theme of rethinking and regeneration of tertiary districts and office spaces, mainly in urban areas. Invited by Giulia Fini, professor and researcher at the Department, the interventions focus on a crucial topic, linked to the change in current forms of work. Michele Rossi presents Park Associati's philosophy in designing work spaces for particular work with particular regard to comfort and well-being in the office.
Filippo Pagliani is a speaker at the workshop on Italian Architecture organized by the University La Sapienza of Rome.
As part of the PhD course "Architecture. Theories and Project", some Italian architectural firms that are carrying out research and innovation, are invited by Professor Domizia Mandolesi, to talk about their professional paths. Starting from the beginning of their activity, and from their reference figures, the lectures are supposed to share the design philosophy and language through their architectural projects.
On the occasion of the Italian Design Day 2020, Michele Rossi, partner and co-founder of Park Associati is an ambassador of the Italian Design and keynote speaker at the steaming webinar organized by the italian embassy of Doha on November 5th at 8.30 am in Italy time, 10.30 am Qatar Time.
Please use following link to join the webinar: https://embassy-of-italy-in-qatar.graffiti.live/
The theme oft the Italian Design Day 2020 is „Driving the future“, Development, Innovation, Sustainability, Beauty. Michele’s lecture “Well-being in the Workplace“, deals with important changes the working environment has undergone recently. These aspects are even more important in light of the Covid 19 pandemic. The case study is the urban transformation that has interested Milan in the last 10 years, which has led to a reappraisal of the working environment in the city with different strategies. The emergence of new working communities has led to the creation of efficient and innovative buildings and, at the same time, the redevelopment of the post-war and modern architecture heritage, to which Milan bears witness like no other Italian city.
Park Associati takled the BIM practice slowly, in the knowledge that an "all-and-all" approach would be a mistake." Simone Caimi, BIM Manager of the studio, talks with BIM Portale about the evolution of a process that is now part of the workflow of architectural design.