
Creating value by investing in talent

The cornerstones of Park Associati's culture rely on the thorough training of its collaborators. The practice's ability to reinvent itself and consolidate its twenty-year journey stems from the equally sound growth path architects undertake when they choose Park Associati as a company to which they will contribute.

Today, this commitment takes shape in the Park Graduate Programme, a professional training course for architecture new graduates.

Download the terms of participation


Consolidating the transition from student to young professional: a path of in-depth study and discovery

The Park Graduate Programme is set up as a 12-month long internship. During this period, the selected candidates have the opportunity to engage with the most important aspects of the practice's life: focusing on research and innovation, tackling projects and their development − from the most creative stages of original idea and competition to the most advanced stages of practical-executive completion −, understanding the management components of marketing and administration and working on the many collateral activities that represent the cornerstone of architecture.


The Park Graduate Programme is an internship designed for new graduates who have completed their master's degree in architecture or construction engineering. The candidates will be chosen through curricular evaluation and a two-step selection interview. To apply, candidates must complete the appropriate application form found on the Park Associati website, including their CV, portfolio and a cover letter.


22nd February 2025

Deadline for applications

21st March, 2025

End of selection

7th April, 2025

Internship begins

Apply here!